
(Core)competencies and roles

As a manager, you support your employees in identifying which roles, tasks, and functions align best with their coretalents and which may be less natural to them.

By building on strong coretalents, you make positive learning challenges visible, coach your employees much more effectively, and significantly increase their engagement and sense of purpose—based on both aptitude and enthusiasm.


Internal career guidance

With over 60 experts and thousands of career guidance sessions to their credit, we form a dynamic learning network that continuously inspires each other and shares best practices and new insights.

We are happy to offer this expertise to your organisation, enabling you to provide your employees with a sustainable and positive growth path. This way, they can fully develop their potential within your organisation while feeling supported and professionally connected.


Sustainable growth of (key) employees

Attracting, retaining, and empowering people is a major challenge today. To avoid burnout and boreout while safeguarding everyone’s vitality and well-being, a holistic approach is essential.

Coretalents provides much more than just insights into nature (personality, character) + potential (talents, aptitude for learning with training and/or practice) + intrinsic motivation (desire, will).

We offer you a complete, well-founded, and nuanced foundation for all your HR questions.


Recruitment & Selection

Knowing your organisation, your teams, and your people is always crucial—including potential new hires.

After all, employees are people, and they work with other people: real colleagues who can bring both joy and frustration.

With the Coretalents-method, you get to know the person behind the candidate: is this your future employee?



... this is where Coretalents makes a difference!

We define leadership based on 12 coretalents, linked to three essential aspects found in most leadership models—plus an extra dimension.

This approach provides crystal-clear insight into (self-)leadership and helps identify the roles and tasks that an employee naturally takes on with ease.

At the same time, it highlights which aspects might be more challenging.


High Potentials

How do you unlock the full potential within your organisation?

How do you ensure that valuable employees contribute to your company’s growth and success—by enabling them to develop their full potential, thrive in their strengths, and stay engaged with enthusiasm?

We match individual Coretalents profiles with the required competencies, creating the ideal foundation for personal and organisational growth.


Career management

Coretalents offers no-nonsense, practical support to help you or your employees take the steps they have always wanted to take.

We provide a powerful, positive, warm, and well-grounded reflection space in a safe environment—helping you take the next step within your organisation.


Winning Teams

We have developed a unique 3x3x3 approach, combining in a single programme:

  • 3 successful interventions
  • on 3 simultaneous levels
  • with 3 motivating and objective measurement points


As an employer, you want to attract top talent by being authentic and distinctive in your HR approach. The way you treat your employees and offer them opportunities for development is therefore of utmost importance.

That also means that how you say goodbye to employees is just as important as how you welcome them.


Train your inhouse Coretalents analyst(s)

As an HR manager, executive, or coach, you are first and foremost a professional who supports others in their growth and development.

Do you truly want to understand your employees and your organisation and empower them fully? Do you want to move beyond the traditional personality types and boxes? Do you want a complete Coretalents profile, essential for developing future skills?

Discover our training



This serivce is uniquely available in Dutch for organisations in Flanders

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