
Coretalents analysis

Correct, positive and sustainable choices thanks to correct and complete self-insight, self-knowledge and self-confidence.

Your coretalents analysis gives you an accurate compass for every crossroad in your life.

With knowledge of your coretalents in your head (and in your heart, body and soul) you will take the necessary steps towards your ultimate life goal with sufficient, firmly based self-confidence!

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Study choice

Do you not yet know which study programme you want to choose or do you have doubts?

With us, you can rest assured that you will choose a study that fits your personality, your potential and your intrinsic motivation.

Not where you fit IN, but what really fits YOU!

Find your Coretalents analyst

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Career coaching

Would you like to find out which job/tasks really suit you or get an overview of the labour market?

Would you like to take a close look at your current work situation or see whether you are sufficiently highlighting your strong points?

Do you want more satisfaction and fun in your work by knowing what is really important to you?

Find your Coretalents analyst

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Sustainable growth trajects

...with full force to your next step!

Your Coretalents profile makes clear which choices you'd like to make now and in the future.

This self-knowledge gives you a boost in self-confidence and self-knowledge: what you felt deep down but did not dare to believe (anymore), is now black on white.

Yes, you too are a whiz at a lot more than you, or others, thought!

Find your Coretalents analyst

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Wat zijn ze en wat kun je ermee doen?

Tijdens deze online sessies vertelt grondlegger Danielle Krekels alles wat je wilt weten!

  • dinsdag 17 september om 18u



Become a Coretalents analyst

With the Coretalents method, you bring people to their true core.

On an individual level, the Coretalents profile provides you with golden handles to assist with questions such as study choice, career, personal development and all forms of coaching.

At team level, the Coretalents profiles of all team members give you a perfect view of present (and latent) strengths, of where competencies are easiest to improve - based on strong coretalents - and how you can achieve optimal cooperation.

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