
Looking for an original perspective at your conference, symposium or event? With a theme that underscores your message? By an inspiring and interesting speaker? One that is not pushing open doors or serving old wine in new skins? Then this humorous reference from the Mensa October weekend of 2017 is appropriate: ‘Award winner Danielle Krekels gave a great presentation. For the first time: no one walked out of the hall!’

Danielle Krekels gives you a presentation that specifically focuses on your target group and spearhead theme, coupled with her special discovery of the coretalents. The examples and applications will sound like music to your guests’ ears, and Danielle presents valuable insights in an impassioned and enthusiastic, often humorous way. So everyone learns something and … will think back on your event positively.

There is indeed an infinite amount to say about the 94 billion possible combinations and the countless applications of the 23 coretalents that all have in a strong, half-strong or small degree. Coretalents are determined on the basis of your favourite way of playing as a child, which in itself offers a rich source of possibilities and very pleasant anecdotes. Although a Coretalents analysis is not child’s play and its knowledge, as well as the countless applications, is serious. Based on this original perspective, Danielle shines the spotlight on your spearhead theme. That makes each speech different, but always fascinating and inspiring. All topics are possible: leadership, sales, strategy, innovation, talent management, HR policy, education, stress and burnout/bore out, high giftedness, choice of study, ambition, promotion, HR themes, education and training … The issue you choose is fully respected.

Danielle is herself an entrepreneur and draws on more than 12,000 personal Coretalents analyses with in-depth interviews she took at her engineering office, her selection agency for engineers and scientists, and over the 12 years that she collaborated with researchers worldwide at congresses as Belgian research and development manager for ICT development projects in EC Framework Programmes. Her three books and the analyses she carried out on dozens of Belgian celebrities - from Herman Brusselmans through Goedele Liekens to DNA expert Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Cassiman and the late Roger Blanpain - provide endless inspiration for illustrating your topic in a unique manner that is fascinating for all.